No I am not angry, but I became miserable, when I sensed it wasn't the " truth".
I new straight away when a realised it wasn't the truth that I would leave. I also became aware of an overwhelming feeling of gratitude- Yes - gratitude that I had failed so miserably in bringing anyone into the " truth"
Now I am no longer missable and I appreciate that I was born in a free land.
Maybe I have also learnt that too much thinking is shit. You don't need to think to paint, not even to write, you just need to let the HEART speak. So other people can keep their philosophies if that's what they call thinking.
So to conclude to much " bible" and to much " watchtower" well it just goes on and on, page after page, year after year. So and so begot,so and so was the brother of so and so, and the father of someone else, and that explains " The New Generation Change" yea right.
The Rebel.